《农业与技术》杂志创刊于1980年,由中国科技期刊编辑学会、吉林省科学技术信息研究所主办,农业与技术杂志社编辑出版的国家级农业综合性刊物。本刊国内统一刊号:CN22-1159/S,国际标准刊号:ISSN 1671-962X,广告经营许可证:吉工商广字01028。复合影响因子:0.240,综合影响因子【详细查看】
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【作 者】:网站采编
【摘 要】:随着世界人口的迅猛增长,农田的需求量将越来越大。为应对未来城市发展所面临的土地资源枯竭问题,有些专家提出了建造垂直农场的想法。Vertical farming is the method of growing plants and cr
【摘 要】:随着世界人口的迅猛增长,农田的需求量将越来越大。为应对未来城市发展所面临的土地资源枯竭问题,有些专家提出了建造垂直农场的想法。Vertical farming is the method of growing plants and cr
随着世界人口的迅猛增长,农田的需求量将越来越大。为应对未来城市发展所面临的土地资源枯竭问题,有些专家提出了建造垂直农场的想法。Vertical farming is the method of growing plants and crops over each other,mostly in buildings with many often look like skyscrapers with glass around them,similar to a giant farming methods can already be seen in agriculture experts vertical farming will be in widespread use in the future because the world’s population is growing constantly and there is more need for farming land.
文章来源:《农业与技术》 网址: http://www.nyyjszzs.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0817/661.html